Little Rock, AR
ph: 501-791-9777
fax: 501-888-5372
Arkansas Medical Exchange Answering Services in Little Rock Arkansas offers 24/7 LIVE Answering Services for Medical Clinics, Doctors Offices and Healthcare Providers in Arkansas and Nationwide Answering Services.
We offer low plans starting at $50.00 base rate and you pay just .90 cents per minute for actual calls received each month.
If you are in the Healthcare Profession and are looking for Arkansas Answering Services in Arkansas or Nationwide Answering Services, Arkansas Medical Exchange Answering Services in Little Rock Arkansas is the answer for you.
Arkansas Medical Exchange and Doctors Medical Exchange provides Nationwide Medical Exchange and Nationwide Doctors Exchange Answering services.
Arkansas Medical Exchange Answering Services in Little Rock Arkansas understands the frequency of relentless working hours and emotional burdens that many healthcare professionals endure; therefore, we provide your front line of patient care that typically starts with comfort and expedience of compassionate communication between your patients and staff. Arkansas Medical Exchange and Doctors Medical Exchange provides Nationwide Medical Exchange and Nationwide Doctors Exchange Answering services.
Arkansas Medical Exchange Answering Services in Little Rock Arkansas offers a management team and supporting staff that fully understands the impact that every single call can have not only on the patients trust of their doctors but also the quality and speed of care that doctors and physicians rely on to grow a well respected and patient trusted network.
Arkansas Medical Exchange Answering Services in Little Rock Arkansas has developed exclusive and proprietary messaging technology that allows your organization to receive messages on smartphones, tablets, or other favorite mobile devices in a secure environment.
Arkansas Medical Exchange Answering Services in Little Rock Arkansas offers the flexibility of our exclusive technology, allowing you to create a unique patient directive plan while utilizing our Service to deliver real-time text or email message alerts to on-call staff. This allows your staff to effectively and efficiently care for and manage your patients while both saving time and displaying professional functionality, timely patient care, helping to instill trust in your current or soon-to-be patients.
Arkansas Medical Exchange Answering Services in Little Rock Arkansas offers Nationwide Answering Services for Medical Professionals. Arkansas Medical Exchange Answering Services in Little Rock Arkansas is the answer you have been looking for!
If you are in the Healthcare Profession and are looking for Arkansas Answering Services in Arkansas or Nationwide Answering Services, Arkansas Medical Exchange Answering Services in Little Rock Arkansas is the answer for you. Arkansas Medical Exchange and Doctors Medical Exchange provides Nationwide Medical Exchange and Nationwide Doctors Exchange Answering services.
Our 24/7 Customized Detailed Plans Include Specific Questions and Unlimited Time with your callers.
Free Services
Free Local Number
Free Text Delivery
Free Email Delivery
Free Call Transfers
Free Mobile APP
Select from our 24/7 Customized Plans, why limit your calls to a basic message that results in returning calls when we can obtain the details you need.
All plans are 24/7 availability.
Base Plan Min. Inc. Overage
$50.00 0 $0.90
$129.99 100 $1.05
$169.99 150 $1.05
$209.99 200 $1.00
$249.99 250 $1.00
$289.99 300 $1.00
$359.99 400 $0.95
$419.99 500 $0.95
$499.99 600 $0.90
$579.99 700 $0.90
$669.99 800 $0.90
$829.99 1000 $0.90
$959.99 1200 $0.90
$1,199.99 1500 $0.90
$1,399.99 1750 $0.90
$1,599.99 2000 $0.90
$1,799.99 2250 $0.90
$1,999.99 2500 $0.90
$2,199.99 2750 $0.90
$2,399.99 3000 $0.90
$2,799.99 3500 $0.90
$3,199.99 4000 $0.90
$3,599.99 4500 $0.90
$3,999.99 5000 $0.90
Additional Features and Fees
Outbound Campaigns are charged $100.00 monthly base and 1.00 per minute.
Company Marketing Message (recording) when caller is on hold $50.00 Set Up Fee and $50.00 a month.
Recorded Calls $50.00 Set Up Fee and $50.00 a month.
Fax Message Delivery .30 cents (most clients prefer email or text)
Schedule Appointments -We offer scheduling for $50.00 a month plus talk time minutes.
Hospice Answering Services
Arkansas Medical Exchange Answering Services in Little Rock Arkansas offers hospice answering service and home care answering service provides the highest quality answering and dispatching solutions to the Hospice and home care.
Arkansas Medical Exchange Answering Services in Little Rock Arkansas sends all message through our SECURE APP.
Arkansas Medical Exchange Answering Services in Little Rock Arkansas fully recognizes and understand the tremendous requirement of delivering effective and reliable communications between your triage staff, patients and their loved ones with the utmost professionalism, compassion, and care.
If you are in the Healthcare Profession and are looking for Arkansas Answering Services in Arkansas or Nationwide Answering Services, Arkansas Medical Exchange Answering Services in Little Rock Arkansas is the answer for you.
Arkansas Medical Exchange Answering Services in Little Rock Arkansas offers highly qualified and trained agents with a sympathetic voice when conversing with your patients' family and friends in their immediate time of need. Arkansas Medical Exchange and Doctors Medical Exchange provides Nationwide Medical Exchange and Nationwide Doctors Exchange Answering services.
Arkansas Medical Exchange Answering Services in Little Rock Arkansas attention to detail is unique and unmatched and will assist in deploying our error free plan for your organization that covers instructions for any type of call or patient situation, such as, but not limited to;
Regardless of the type of inbound call received or time of day or night, Arkansas Medical Exchange Answering Services in Little Rock Arkansas caring staff will answer the call, create a detailed patient card, and dispatch to the correct on-call care-giver or administrator to facilitate the proper care and assistance for every patient. Due to the flexible nature of our exclusive technology, your custom directive patient plan can be changed on-demand as your organization sees fit.
Home care and hospice organizations nationwide have been using Arkansas Medical Exchange Answering Services in Little Rock Arkansas as their medial answering service with complete satisfaction.
Arkansas Medical Exchange Answering Services in Little Rock Arkansas offers answering and dispatching solutions allows your organization to create a patient directive plan allowing for efficient and optimal care of your patients.
Whether you want us to handle overflow calls, nights & weekends, or all incoming calls, Arkansas Medical Exchange Answering Services in Little Rock Arkansas follows your specific plan as designed in handling direct emergency calls, healthcare related calls, or any other possible type of inbound call your hospice or home care handles on a daily basis. Arkansas Medical Exchange and Doctors Medical Exchange provides Nationwide Medical Exchange and Nationwide Doctors Exchange Answering services.
Copyright 2015 Arkansas Medical Exchange Answering Services in Arkansas. All rights reserved.
Little Rock, AR
ph: 501-791-9777
fax: 501-888-5372